Title: Bitter Things - Narratives and Memories of Transnational Families
Year: 2018
Keyword: cooperation, comissioned, Migration, Literature, Society, Goethe Institue, Istanbul
Publisher: bi'bak
Location: Berlin
Published: Archive Books, Berlin
Link: bi-bak.de, archivebooks.org

Dimensions: Perfect binding, Munken Cream, spotcolor,
164mm x 240mm, 184 pages.

© all creation to creators

This book is a project by bi’bak in cooperation with Archive Berlin, DEPO Istanbul and DOMiD – Documentation Center and Museum of Migration in Germany, Cologne. Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and Goethe Institute Istanbul.
It publishes academic and literary contributions, interviews, songtexts and images examining the topic of labor migration from the 1960s right up to present day interdisciplinary perspectives.